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#fyellow Achillea #d(ak-il-EE-a)
2" - 6"
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Border, rock gardens, fire retardant, mixed
plantings, blank stabilizer, wooded areas
The plant has fern like foliage, which is attractive throughout
the season. Flowers bloom in flattish clusters. Flower colors
are: yellow, rose and white. Blooms in the spring and the
summer, often lasting until fall. They do best in full sun.
Some varieties can become invasive. Drought resistant
#fyellow Propagation:#d Easily grown from divisions, cuttings and
seeds (spring or late fall). Do not cover seeds and keep moist.
Germinates within 1 - 2 weeks.
A. ageratifolia Greek yarrow. 2" - 10". Native to Asia.
White flower clusters ½" - 1" across.
A. clavennae Silvery yarrow. 2" - 10".
White flowers ½" - 1" across.
A. filipendula Fernleaf yarrow. 36" - 48". Native to Asia.
Bright yellow flower clusters 6" across.
A. millefolium Common yarrow, Milfoil, Sanguinary, Thousandseal,
Nose-bleed. 24" - 36".
Leaves are green-gray. Red bright red
A. ptarmica Sneezewort, Sneezeweed. 18" - 24". Native to
Europe and Asia.
Narrow leaves. White flat-shaped flower clusters 1" across.
A. serbica Like A. ageratifolia except with a more mounding form and
clustered flowers rather than single flowers.
A. taygetea 10" - 14". Native to Greece.
Yellow flower clusters ¼" across.
A. tomentosa Wolly yarrow. 2" - 10". Native to Europe and Asia.
Deep green leaves and flat yellow flower clusters. Can be mowed
to form a low growing ground cover or a lawn substitute.
#fyellow Aethionema #d(ee-thi-o-NEE-ma)
6" - 10"
Native to Eastern Mediterranean.
#fyellow Family:#d Cruciferae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennials
#fyellow Uses:#d Rock gardens, ground cover for small areas.
Performs best in sandy soils. Attractive in or out of bloom.
Flowers in May through June. Plants should be covered in the
colder zones to prevent leaf burn. Withstands drought and does
poorly in wet soils.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds.
A. schistosum 2" - 10".
Upright ½" light blue leaves and fragrant rose-colored flowers.
A. warleyense 6" - 10". Hybrid.
Pink dense flower clusters.
#fyellow Agapanthus #d(ag-a-PAN-thus)
#fyellow Family:#d Amaryllidaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Herbaceous perennial with tuberous roots
#fyellow Uses:#d Container, planter-box, mass planting, near
A very adaptable plant. Plant in full sun to full shade.
Becomes drought tolerant when established. Flowers are bright
blue to white. Blooms in the spring and summer.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division - every 3 - 6 years, seeds.
Plant seeds indoors anytime. Cover seeds slightly. Keep moist.
Maintain soil temperature around 75 degrees. Germinates within 3
A. africanus (A. umbellatus) Lily-of-the-Nile, Aggie, African agapanthus
14" - 24".
Blue flowers summer to fall.
A. Headbourne Hybrids 18" - 36".
Deciduous and cold hardy in the colder zones.
A. 'Heneryi' 6" - 14"
White flowers
A. inpertus 36" - 48+"
Deciduous. Drooping deep blue flowers.
A. orientalis Oriental agapanthus, Aggie, Lily-of-the-Nile. 36" - 48+".
Evergreen. Comes in blue and white with each plant bearing up to 100
A. 'Petter Pan' 6" - 14".
Evergreen. Dwarf variety. Blue flower clusters.
A. 'Queen Ann' 10" - 18".
Flowers are light blue. Blooming throughout the summer.
A. 'Rancho White' 14" - 24".
Heavy clusters of white flowers.
\Ageratum houstonianum\
#fyellow Ageratum houstonianum #d(aj-er-AY-tum)
2" - 6"
Native to Mexico.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Mass plantings, rock gardens, edging, borders,
indoor pots.
Lavender blue flower blooming in the summer and fall. The soft
green leaves are round, heart shaped. Plant in full sun, except
in hot zones, where they should be planted in filtered shade.
Prefers rich moist soils. Very easy to transplant.
#fyellow Propagation:#d seeds in late summer, fall or indoors,
covering the seeds slightly, keeping moist and maintain soil
temperature within 65 - 75 degrees. Germinates within 2 - 3
#fyellow Ajuga #d(aj-OO-ga)
Carpet bugle.
Native to Europe.
#fyellow Family:#d Labiatae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d ground cover, rock gardens.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division
A. genevensis Geneva bugle. 6" - 14".
Leaves and stems are grayish. Flowers come in rose and white,
blooming in the spring and summer. Full sun.
A. pyramidalis 2" - 10".
Purplish-brown roundish 1½" - 4" leaves. Forms come in
violet-blue, pink (rarely), and white. Blooms early summer.
A. reptans Carpet bugle. 2" - 10".
This species spreads by creeping stolons in or on top of the
soil, forming a dense mat if given adequate water. The flowers
are blue, white, purplish or red depending on the variety.
Blooms from early may to midsummer. Grows equally well in full
sun or full shade. Water once week in the summer in the hotter
#fyellow Alstroemeria #d(al-stree-MEER-ia)
Peruvian Lily.
18" - 48+"
Native to South America.
#fyellow Family:#d Liliaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Long-lasting cut flowers, specimen, borders.
The azalealike flowers bloom in a broad loose cluster atop a tall
leafy stem. The flower colors are: multicolor, orange, yellow,
shades of pink, rose, red, lilac, creamy white to white. Blooms
in the spring. Performs best in cool moist sandy loam soils.
Plant roots out in the fall, container plants summer.
Establishment is slow. Provide ample water in the spring and
summer. Give filtered shade in hot zones and full sun in the
cooler summer areas.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds. Plant roots 6" - 9"
deep in the spring or fall. Sow seeds in early fall, cover seeds
slightly and keep soil moist and at 65 degrees. Seedlings will
flower the second year.
#fyellow Amaranthus #d(am-ar-ANTH-us)
#fyellow Family:#d Amaranthaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Edible greens, foliage color, summer bedding,
beside wood or stone accents.
Grown for their ornamental colored foliage or heavy red or green
stalks. Can be grown as green vegetables or for the edible
seeds. They have a high protein content. Performs best in full
sun, although they will tolerate filtered shade. The leaf colors
are less brilliant in highly fertile soils.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Soil temperature should be above
70 degrees. Sow seeds in spring covering seed slightly and keep
moist. Seeds germinate within 8 - 10 days. Set plants out at
10" - 12" apart.
A. caudatus Love-lies-bleeding, Tassel flower. 36" - 48+". Native to the
Red drooping flowers in tassle-like bunches. Grain producing amaranth.
A. hybridus Pigweed, Wild beet, Princes feather. 36" - 48+".
The leaves and spikes are reddish. The flowers are red to brownish red.
A few strains are grown for "spinach" or grain.
A. tricolor Joseph's coat 10" - 48".
The leaves are smudged in shades red and green. Used as "spinach"
varieties: Yellow and scarlet foliage.
'Early Splendor', 'Flaming Fountain', 'Molten Fire'.
#fyellow Amaryllis belladonna #d(am-ar-ILL-is) (Brunsvigia rosea)
Belladonna lily, Naked lady.
18" - 36"
Native to South Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Amaryllidaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Bulb
#fyellow Uses:#d Containers, borders,
Tolerates many soils, is drought tolerant and long lived.
Performs best in hot protected exposures. Should be planted
right after bloom. May not grow for up to three years if
disturbed at the wrong time (during bloom). The fragrant
horn-shaped flowers are rosy pink, blush or white and bloom in
the late summer and early fall when the plant is leafless. The
flower stalks are reddish-brown. This genus is often mistaken
for the genus Hippeastrum. The two genuses are somewhat similar
except that Hippeastrum has a solid flower stem and Amaryllis' is
The bulbs must be covered with 5" of soil, and set out about 12" apart.
If it becomes necessary to lift and replant the bulbs, the work should be
done June.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division - very infrequent.
#fyellow Anemone #d(an-EM-on-e)
Anemone, Wind flower.
Native to North Temperate regions of the world.
#fyellow Family:#d Ranunculaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial with tuberous or fibrous roots
#fyellow Uses:#d Containers, makes a good combination plant with
other similar types - narcissus or ranunculus, groudcover drifts,
naturalization in short grass.
Anemones belong to the Buttercup family. They grow best in
filtered shade and well-drained soil with plenty of organic
matter. Must be watered during dry periods. In the mild zones
they can be planted in the spring or fall. Planted in the spring
in the colder zones. Plant 1 to 2 inches deep. Blooms in the
spring and may extend into the fall. Susceptible to root rot in
high rainfall areas. Plant the tubers 1" - 2" deep and about 6"
apart, in the fall.
#fyellow Propagation:#d seeds (easy), root divisions. Sow seeds
indoors 6 - 8 weeks before last spring frost. Cover slightly,
keep moist maintain temperature around 70 - 75 degrees.
Germinates within 15 days.
A. blanda Greek anemone. 2" - 10". Native to greece
Flowers are deep blue, purplish-red, white or pink.
A. coronaria Poppy-flowered anemone, Poppy anemone. 6" - 18". Native to
Southern Europe.
Showy large flower. Flowers color are red, blue or white, 1½" - 2½"
A. fulgens Scarlet windflower, Flame anemone. 6" - 14". Native to
The flowers color range from scarlet to pink.
A. hybrida Japanese anemone. 24" - 48+".
The semidouble flowers are white, pink or rose. This species is
slow to establish, but once established they spread quickly if
not disturbed. This is a tall species and may need staking.
A. pulsatilla European pasque flower. 6" - 14". Native Europe and Asia.
The leaves are very fern-like. The Bell shape flowers are blue
to reddish purple with golden stamens.
\Anthemis tinctoria\
#fyellow Anthemis tinctoria #d(AN-them-is)
Golden marguerite.
24" - 36".
Native to Europe and Asia.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Border, specimen, cut flowers.
The golden yellow daisy-like are 2" across and bloom in the
summer and fall. Plant in full sun. Has average water
'Beauty of Grallagh' - golden orange flowers.
'E.C. Buxton' - white flowers with orange centers.
'Kelwayi' - golden yellow.
'Moonlight' - soft, dull yellow.
'Perry's Variety' - large, bright yellow flowers.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Easily propagated from seeds, stem
cuttings or divisions. Sow seeds in the spring, cover slightly,
keep soil moist and maintain soil temperature at around 70
degrees. set plants out 24" - 36" apart.
\Antirrhinum majus\
#fyellow Antirrhinum majus #d(an-ti-RY-num)
Snapdragon, Common snapdragon, Garden snapdragon.
6" - 36".
Native to the Mediterranean Region.
#fyellow Family:#d Scrophulariaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial, but treated as an annual.
#fyellow Uses:#d Background and foreground borders, general
bedding flower, cut flower, flower pots, massed plantings.
The genus name is derived from the Greek word for nose, which
applies to the appearance of the flowers on the spikes. In the
most temperate regions of the world, snapdragons bloom in the
early summer, but in milder climates they will bloom in the
winter and spring.
Snapdragons will grow in either full sun or filtered shade, and
they do best in cooler weather. In hot regions they should be
planted in filtered shade. They prefer a medium to heavy soil
with good drainage. Lighter soils should be enriched with
organic matter from either the compost pile or local retail
nursery. Tolerant of a wide range of soils that are not too
acid. Neutral or slightly alkaline are best.
Rust (brown spots on the leaves) is the serious problem with
snapdragons. Avoid overhead watering, which helps spread the
rust spores, try to water below the leaves. Rotate the planting
location every year to prevent a serious outbreak. This is a
good idea with all annuals.
The plants have narrow, lustrous green leaves. Depending on the
variety, the flower can be either single or double. Flower
colors are multicolored, yellow, orange, red, pink or white.
Summer planted seeds will bloom in fall/winter and winter/spring
planted seeds will bloom in the summer/fall.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Cuttings and seeds. Plants propagated
from seed are more diversified in color. Seeds germinate in 1 to
2 weeks. Sow seeds either indoors in the early spring or
outdoors in the summer. Do not cover the seeds, keep moist, but
not wet, as this will induce rotting. Soil temperature should be
around 60 degrees. The blooming periods can be extended by
sowing seeds 2 to 3 weeks apart. Set plants out in the garden
7 - 10 inches apart, depending on the variety. Taller varieties
should be spaced further apart. If a few plants are left to go
to seed, seedlings will grow the following year, with mediocre to
spectacular results in flower color.
#fyellow Aquilegia #d(ak-wil-EE-jia)
10" - 36".
#fyellow Family:#d Ranunculaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Borders, rock garden
Columbines are valued for their delicate, spurred flowers of many
colors, borne in spring and summer on upright spikes. All
columbines are hardy. They will take full sun along the coast
and filtered shade in hotter regions. Cut back old stems to
encourage new growth and to induce more flowering. Replace old
plants every 2 to 3 years.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow seeds indoors in mid winter
to set out in spring or outdoors in the spring to set out in the
summer. Covers seeds lightly and keep moist. Soil temperature
should remain around 68 - 86 degrees. Seeds germinate in 3 - 4
A. alpina Alpine Columbine. 10" - 18". Native to the Alps.
Blue flowers, 2" across.
A. caerulea Rocky mountain columbine. 18" - 36". Native to Colorado.
Blue or white flowers, 2" across. Prefers filtered shade and
moist soils.
A. chrysantha Golden columbine, Golden-spurred columbine. 36" - 48".
Native to Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico.
Very showy, with many upright branches. Yellow flowers, 1½" - 2"
A. flabellata Fan columbine. 6" - 10". Native to Japan.
Flowers are lilac or white. 'Nana' is 2" - 6". A variety 'pumila' is 2" -
6", with deep blue or purple flowers and pale yellow inside.
A. formosa Western columbine. 18" - 36". Native to Utah and California
to Alaska. Flowers are red and yellow, 1½" across, flowering
from May to August.
A longissima Long spurred columbine. 24" - 36". Native to Southwest
Texas and Northern Mexico. Many flowers, drooping pale yellow,
4" - 6" across.
A. vugaris European columbine. 10" - 36". Native to Europe and has
naturalized in eastern U.S. Flowers blue, purple or white, 2"
#fyellow Arabis #d(AR-a-bis)
#fyellow Family:#d Cruciferae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Edging, rock gardens, ground cover, pattern
planting, container.
A low growing plant valued for its small flowers in the spring.
Takes full sun, has moderate water requirements and is not
particular to soil.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Cuttings, divisions and seeds. Sow seeds
indoors in the late winter to early spring. Do not cover the
seeds, keep moist and maintain temperature around 60 degrees.
seeds germinate in 3 - 4 weeks.
A. alpina (A. caucasica) Mountain rockcress. 2" - 10". Zones 1 - 6.
Clusters of white flowers. Variety 'Rosea' has pink flowers; 'Variegata'
has variegated leaves.
A. blepharophylla California rockcress, Rose cress. 2" - 6". Zones 6 - 9.
Native to California.
Fragrant rose-purple flowers, ½" - 1" across.
A. caucasica (A. albida) Wall rockcress. 2" - 6". Native Mediterranean
region to Iran.
Flowers are white, ½" across, almost completely covering the
plant. Makes an excellent ground cover planted in midst of
daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs.
'Variegata' gray variegated leaves.
'Floreplena' double white flowers.
'Rosabella' pink flowers.
'Pink Charm' pink flowers.
A. Sturii 2".
Clusters of white flowers. Very dense compact form, with bright green
leaves. An excellent rock garden plant.
#fyellow Arctotis #d(ARC-to-tis)
African daisy.
Native to South Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Mass plantings, ground cover
Prefers full sun and light soil. Drought tolerant, except when
in rapid growth. Blooms in the spring, summer, fall or winter
depending when it is planting.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Cuttings and seeds. Maintain favorite
colors with cuttings. Sow seeds indoor in winter for spring
planting and outdoors any other times. Cover seeds lightly and
keep moist. Maintain temperature around 68 degrees. Seeds
germinate in 3 -4 weeks.
A. acaulis. 6" - 10".
Flowers are yellow with purplish centers, 3½" across.
A. Hybrids 10" - 18".
Flowers have dark centers and bloom in white, pink, red, purple,
yellow or orange.
#fyellow Aster #d(AS-ter)
Aster, Michaelmas daisy.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Cut flowers, Vegetable garden companion, rock
gardens, border.
Plants thrive in full sun and hot, dry soils. Not particular to
soil types. Will look better with additional watering, but is
not necessary. Resistant to insect and diseases. Do not water
asters overhead as this will lead to mildew. The larger asters
have strong invasive root systems and need control.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds. To propagate by
division, lift clumps in the fall and divide into rooted
sections, discarding the older parts. Sow seeds indoors in the
winter. Cover lightly, keep moist and maintain soil temperature
around 68 - 70 degrees. Transplant seedlings 10" - 12" apart.
A. alpinus Alpine aster. 6" - 10". Native to North America and Europe.
flowers are violet, white, lavender, blue or pink, 1½ across.
A. amellus Itallian aster 18" - 24". Native to Europe.
Flowers are violet with yellow centers, 2" across. Drought resistant.
Not easily transplanted as other asters.
A. dumosus Bush aster, Bushy aster. 12" - 36". Native to Eastern U.S.
A prolifically flowering plant.
'Alert' - crimson red.
'Alice Haslam' - rosy red.
'Lady in Blue' - blue.
'Littler Red Boy' - 12".
'Niobe' - white, 6" - 10".
'Petter Harrison' - pink.
'Snpe Cushion' - white
'Victor' - pale blue.
A. frikartii 18" - 24". Hybrid between A. amellus x A. thomsonii.
Fragrant violet-blue flowers, 3" across. Blooms almost all year in most
A. novae-angliae New England aster. 36" - 48+". Native Eastern North
A very familiar plant in New England. Well suited for informal
gardens if its size does not limit its usefulness. Prefers moist
sites. The flowers are purple, 1" - 1½" across. The varieties
come in pink.
A. novae-belgii New York aster. 36" - 48+". Native to America.
The flowers are blue-violet, 1" across. Varieties vary in colors
from white to pink to blue and violet. New varieties are listed
every year.
A. yunnanensis 'Naspsbury' 18" - 24". Native to China.
Single lavender-blue flowers, with an orange center. Blooms in
the summer.
#fyellow Astilbe #d(as-TIL-be)
False spiraea.
Native to China and Japan.
#fyellow Family:#d Saxifragaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Mass planting, cut flowers, edging, container.
Tall, airy spikes of tiny fluffy flowers arise from a mass of
bright, glossy green leaves in the summer. Not particular to
soil, as long as it is moist and contains an abundance of organic
matter. Grows in full shade, filtered shade and full sun milder
summer areas.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds. Best by division in
fall or spring.
A. chinensis 'Plumila'. 10" - 24". Native to China and Japan.
Ground cover is 4" - 6", with 10" - 24" pink flower clusters.
A. taquetii 36" - 48". Native to China and Japan.
Flowers are pinkish-purple, blooming in the late summer and fall.
\Aubrieta deltoidea\
#fyellow Aubrieta deltoidea #d(au-BREE-ta)
Purple rock-cress, Common aubrieta.
2" - 6".
Native to Greece.
#fyellow Family:#d Cruciferae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Walls, between stepping stones.
Once established it forms a dense mat of foliage blooming from
spring and into the summer. Plant in full sun, except in the
hotter regions it should be planted in filtered shade. Will take
drought once it is established.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Divisions, cuttings and seeds. Plants
may be divided after blooming or cuttings may be taken without
delay after blooming. Seeds should be lightly covered, kept
moist and the soil should be maintained around 55 degrees. Seeds
will germinate in 2 - 3 weeks.
\Aurinia saxatilis\
#fyellow Aurinia saxatilis #d(aw-RIN-i-a) (Alyssum saxatile)
Basket-of-gold, Golden-tuft, Rock Madwort.
6" - 14".
Native to Europe.
#fyellow Family:#d Cruciferae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Rock gardens, walls, container, front row
An easily grown and popular rock garden flower with bright
golden-yellow flowers in the spring. The leaves are gray-green.
Grows well in most soils, filtered shade or full sun.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division, cuttings and seeds. Take
divisions and cuttings in the spring. Self sows readily. Sow
seeds in the summer for bloom the following year. Seeds should
be cover lightly or not at all. Keep the soil moist and maintain
soil temperature at around 68 - 86 degrees.
#fyellow Babiana #d(babbi-AY-na)
Erect baboonroot, Baboon flower, Baboonroot.
6" - 14".
Native to South Africa.
#fyellow Family:#d Iridaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Corms
#fyellow Uses:#d Border edging, rock garden, along pathways,
foreground drifts, container.
Prefers well draining soil, with ample watering during growing
the growing season. Needs full sun and will grow in filtered
shade. In colder regions store corms like gladiolus.
The Flower colors are clear, luxurious and almost fluorescent.
Five or flowers are on each stem. The leaves are gladiolus like,
hairy and lengthwise ribbing.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division. Set corms 4" deep and 4" - 6" apart.
B. rubrocyanea 6" - 10".
Bottom half of flower is dark red and the upper half is royal blue.
B. stricta 10" - 14".
Flowers are blue. Other varieties come in purple, lavender, white or
#fyellow Begonia #d(beg-O-nia)
Semperflorens begonia, Wax begonia.
6" - 24".
Native to Central and South America.
#fyellow Family:#d Begoniaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Tropical Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Bedding plants, mass plantings, border,
container, baskets.
These plants bloom continuously all summer. Wax begonias have
either green or bronzed colored leaves. As a general rule the
green-leaved varieties can tolerate more shade then the
bronzed-leaved types. The 1" across flowers can be either single
or double (depending on the variety). Flowers come in shades of
pink and red, as well as white. Can be planted in full shade,
but will not bloom as much. Prefers well draining soil, ample
organic matter. Needs ample water and will not tolerate dry
#fyellow Propagation:#d Leaf cuttings and seeds. Sow seeds
indoors or preferably in a greenhouse, on moist light soil with
little or no covering. Keep soil moist and maintain soil
temperature around 68 degrees. Seeds will germinate in 2 - 4
weeks. Transplant to another flat or 2" pots when large enough
to handle. When plants are ready, transplant to the garden and
space them 12" - 15" apart.
\Begonia (tuberous)\
#fyellow Begonia #d(tuberous) (beg-O-nia)
Tuberous begonia.
14" - 18".
#fyellow Family:#d Begoniaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Tropical Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Bedding plants, containers, terrace plantings,
specimens around tree trunks.
One of the most striking flower shade and filtered shade
situation. Can take full shade in coastal areas. The flower
comes in array of colors and forms. Some varieties resemble
carnations, roses or camellias in form. Breeders have produce
colors that include red and scarlet, orange and yellow, red and
pink and pure white and may be 3" across. Flowers bloom in the
summer to mid-fall.
Prefers moist air (with circulating air) and a climate that is
not too hot or too cold. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy, as
this will cause the tubers to rot. In hot regions it is
important to keep the humidity high, with either a mist system or
mist type sprinkler heads. A special hose attachment can
accomplish the same effect with more effort. Except for misting,
do water the leaves, as the weight of the water droplets will
cause the plant to topple. To really tap into the fantastic
blossoming capability of the tuberous begonia, you will have to
heavily fertilize the plants once a month.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Grow from tuberous roots, which can be
divided into sections that bear at least one growing point, about
6 - 8 weeks before setting out into the garden. Leaf, leaf-bud
and short stem cuttings (preferably with a piece of tuber
attached) will root quickly. Set new plants out in the garden
just below the surface of the soil. Tubers may be available in
mid- winter, though the right time to plant depends on your
climate. Plant out doors as soon as the night temperatures
remain at or above 50 degrees.
Mutiflora begonias. 10" - 18". Compact flower plants. Excellent when
used for bedding. They have the ability to withstand more heat and direct
sunlight. Abundant bloom in red, scarlet, orange, yellow, apricot, salmon
and pink.
Bertinii hybrids. Similar in appearance to multifloras, with flowers of
red, pink and orange.
\Bellis perennis\
#fyellow Bellis perennis #d(BELL-is)
English daisy.
2" - 6".
Native to Europe and the Mediterranean region.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Meadow planting, edging, bedding, a bulb
The leaves are dark green. The double flowers are pink, rose or
white. Flowers bloom in spring and early summer. Prefers light
moist soil and filtered shade. Will grow in full sun along the
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seeds. Start seeds indoors
or out in the garden in early spring. Cover seeds lightly or not
at all. Keep soil moist and maintain soil temperature around 68
degrees. Seeds germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.
#fyellow Bergenia #d(ber-GEN-ia)
Native to Siberia.
#fyellow Family:#d Saxifragaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d A nice contrast against evergreen shrubs,
containers, baskets.
A plant that is always flowering. The leaves are cabbage-like
with spikes of pink, white to rosy purple flowers in spring and
summer. Prefers moist soils with a lot of organic matter and
filtered shade.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Division and seed. Division are taken in
either the fall or spring. Seeds should be sown in the spring or
about 16 weeks before setting out. Do not cover the very small
seeds. Keep soil moist and maintain temperature around 70 - 75
degrees. Seeds will germinate in 2 -3 weeks. Transplant to
larger container when large enough to handle. Set plants out in
the garden 12" - 15" apart.
B. ciliata (B. ligulata). 10" - 14".
Luminous, light green leaves to 12" long and as wide. Flowers are white,
rose or purplish, blooming in the late spring and summer.
B. cordifolia Heartleaf bergenia. 18" - 24".
Glittering heart shaped leaves, with toothed edges. Flowers are rose,
lilac or purple. Blooms midwinter to early spring.
B. hybrids
'Ballawley' - purple crimson flowers. 6" - 10".
'Evening Glow' - magenta flowers. Maroon winter foliage.
'Sunningdale' - magenta flowers. Maroon winter foliage.
'Silver Light' - white flowers. Hardier than others.
#fyellow Billbergia #d(bill-BERJ-ia)
Vase plant.
Native to Brazil and Argentina.
#fyellow Family:#d Bromeliaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Perennial
#fyellow Uses:#d Grouncover under trees, container under patios,
on bark slabs, cut flowers, hanging baskets.
Relative of the pineapple, but in its native habitat grows as a
epiphytes on trees. The leaves are stiff and spiny. The
drooping flowers are showy growing in clusters. Needs ample
water in the summer when growing, but little in the winter. Best
in filtered shade under trees where there in is plenty of leaf
mold. The funnel like center of the plants acts as a storage
tank. The roots can be wrapped in sphagnum moss or leaf mold and
attached to slabs of bark or a wooden fence.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Cuttings or seeds. Cuttings can be taken
off older plants in the form of suckers.
B. nutans Queens tears. 14" - 18".
The spikes are rosy red with a combination green and deep blue flowers.
Vigorous. Very easy to propagate.
B. pyramidalis Foolproof plant. 24" - 36".
Flowers are combination red and violet.
B. sanderana. 10" -14".
Flowers are a combination blue and yellowish-green.
#fyellow Brachycome #d(brak-ik-O-me)
Swan river, Swan river daisy.
10" - 14".
Native to Australia.
#fyellow Family:#d Compositae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Rock garden, borders, container, mass plantings.
Clean, mounding daisy-like plant. The leaves are feather-like
and divided. It should be planted in full sun or filtered shade,
with well draining soil.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seed. Sow seeds in early spring where
plants are to grow. Cover lightly and keep moist until
germination. Seeds germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.
B. iberidifolia
Flowers are blue, white or pink, 1½" across, blooming in the spring and
#fyellow Browallia #d(brow-WALL-ia)
Amethyst flower, Bush violet.
6" - 10".
Native South America.
#fyellow Family:#d Solanaceae
#fyellow Type:#d Annual
#fyellow Uses:#d Baskets, cut flower
Lobelia-like blue, violet, or white flowers, ½" - 2" long and as
wide. Prefers warm shade or filtered shade with ample water.
Plants are hard to find in nurseries. Seeds should be purchase
through specialty catalogs. A plant worth growing, if your
favorite color is blue.
#fyellow Propagation:#d Seeds. Sow seeds indoors in early
spring. Do not cover, keep soil moist and maintain soil
temperature around 70 degrees. Seeds germinate in 2 - 3 weeks.
Transplant seedlings in the garden 8" - 12" apart.
B. americana (B. elata and B. elata 'Sapphire'). Amethyst browallia.
10" - 24".
Densely branched with blue-green leaves. Flower are a deep blue, ½ long
and as wide. Easily grown from seed.
'Sapphire' - 10".
B. speciosa Lovely browallia. 10" - 24".
The flowers are blue, 2" across.
var. major - commonly planted variety.